Monday, 18 May 2009

Unit 2 Specimen Paper - My Answer

Hi there,

   3rd June. Economics exam day. Bet everyone is preparing day and night for that day. My class did the Unit 2 specimen paper a while ago, so thought I can post my little scribbles with a hope that someone will learn from my mistakes and enrich his/her knowledge. Off we go.

   First things first though. I would recommend you to try and do the paper by yourself, if you haven’t done it yet. Unit 2 consists of one data response question out of a choice of two. You can download question 1 from here and question 2 from here. Mark schemes are available here and here.

   And the interesting part now. My response to question 1 - click, and my response to question 2 - click. Huge credits go to Jerome who marked my answers and left some invaluable comments.

   Yup, so that’s it. Have a nice read. Hope you find this little exercise helpful.

John A6


Anonymous said...

heh, not bad I must say :p

John. said...

thanks, much appreciated.